The Programmer's Frustration!

Coding is the hardest aspect of programming. Imagine after getting a
problem solved, you got to remember that after having the Blue Screen
Of Death, you had failed to save the 1000+ lines of code!!!

Toying with death.

These two commercial sex mongers are not midget. They are daring the
oddly tall man who is drunk already!
Who is toying with death here? The tall man daring two, or the two
daring the tall?

The crazy (L)earner!

Driving is fun, even learning it...... However, the rules have been
upturned by this learner!
How many more infractions of the driver in the picture can you see?
1. Driving truck is not to be learnt on the main road;
2. One headlight! Where is the second?
3. Headlight set to dazzle other drivers.

Illusion or confusssion?

How many faces can you see in this picture?

The future president.

The messages being conveyed matters alot. This is a boy whose pattern
of life doesn't appear juicy, but the banner is still becoming a
president in the nearest future!

Pun fun!

The enjambment in this is the pun! Read in between the lines, and laugh it off!, the new banner!

Google keeps changing their logo, and banners almost everyday, this is
one of the volunteered ones from a loyal designer praying Google likes

Don't lie!

It clearly shows that they haven't seen it going by those dim eyes.
Don't lie! It is not good for your body, ming, and soul!

Don't be afraid to be different

No matter how scarce food is, i will never eat grass! Its not pride,
but who i am!
Be different in all ramifications, success is assured!

Attention! the soldier's call.

I bet this soldier is the leader of his troupe. In a bid to control
his men, he shouted on the top of his voice, and this was the result!

Campala is for all!

The colourful heritage of the Yoruba empire ranges from a vast
categories of lifestyle, Campala being one of the arts.
This picture however shows this white man in Campala, what a
combination! Campala is for all!
Who says Nigeria is not the giant of Africa?

Google's new self-driving car coming soon.

It's no secret that Google has been slowly butsurely finding its way
into the automotive industry, as it's already been working with
manufacturers to build self-driving carsfor quite some time. However,
according to Amir Efrati, a former star reporter for theWall Street
Journal, the software giant is looking to drive a few extra miles down
that road by designing and building cars of its own. The company has
been in talks with component suppliers like Continental AG and Magna
International in the hopes that it could put together an entire car
under Google's command. The idea, Efrati says, is to put morepressure
on car brands to develop autonomous driving tech, regardless of if
Google is directly involved or not.
So what would Google do with such a vehicle built under its direct
supervision and brand? One idea on the drawing board is a "robo-taxi"
service, which is exactly how it sounds: a self-driving car would come
and pick you up and drop you off at your destination; at first, a
human would need to be behind the wheel just in case, but that could
easily change as the tech progresses and becomes more reliable. Steer
toward the source link fora few more details about the thought
processbehind Google's efforts.

Maximum security.

Car theft has become the order of the day. It happens at shops, places
of worship, highways, e.t.c. and even carried out at gunpoint!
Insurance on the other hand is to indemnify the occurences of car
theft, a provision which is granted only if you fall under its terms.
The owner of this Toyota Camry Muscle must have undergone being a
victim of this bad ordeal and thus, went ahead to even maximise the
security of the probably already secured car by caging it or is it
because of the colour (white, so that it wont get scratched off by
young neighbours)?
No matter the reason, we learn and apply the knowledge in different ways!

Are men made to suffer?

Love is blind, they say; and even when the sacrifice is to be made, it
falls mostly on men. Are men made to suffer?
The lady was convenieng, and at the expense holds her hubby to a
ransome of punishment!

Look alike!

Even if people mistake this boy for Jay-Z, i wont. The difference is
totally clear!

Can you guess?

It is hard to believe that girls nowadays go after men for material
things when it is suppose to be for emotional upbringing or
This is one of them, she must have gone through many men (if u know
what i mean) before acquiring all these wealth of gadgets. The
question just erupts from the designer.
Even if she gives an answer, it should be multiplied by 10 because
boys are not smilling.

Holy hug!

Holiness is the best etiquette. However, if you are holy, you are
going to miss out some things considered as unholy.
In orber to strike the balance between holiness and flirting, these
two veilled a hug. It is a holy hug. Prove me wrong.

Ramadan Kareem from the big boys!

In case you dont know them, these are the biggest boys in town. They
all dressed up in these beautiful attires to grace the end of the
ramadan fasting.
They were saying ''Ramadan Karim'' as they headed to the mosque!

Do dogs marry?

Do dogs marry? I dont know, but this picture tells it all. Dogs do
marry, even ceremoniously!
Can you attend such a ceremony?

Eid-El Fitri, the aftermath.

After the 30-day fasting, the next thing on this man's mind is how to
feed up. This has gone even more than to compensate the empty belly
days this man has gone through.
He is filled up!

You can fish anywhere.

This is probably the reason why this man is trying to conveniently
turn a puddle into a fishing avenue while sitting beside the pot hole
with a table water. It is funny why people are not there to share a
glance in the expedition.
However, to capture our doubts that there is no fish in the pot hole,
he got himself a fish!!!

Big head, big brain.

This head is big, and very long if i might say that. This man in the
picture mus be a genius!! You might say, but alas! The size of the
head doesnt matter.
Its not about the size, but the contents. The head is big, the brain
also, but we dont know about the library upstairs!!!

The textbook face!

Now, that is photoshoping! No doubts, but there should be no doubts
also because the designer's imaginations are not only wide, but wild!
How can a man open his face like a textbook? Fake, but entertaining!

I see the truth.....

As the rap titan's lyrics went in the song ''drop the world''; so is
this four year old girl's picture was edited to fit in like a hip-hop
Who knows wether she will go places in her debut as a musician.
If you see her, tell her DFC gets her back!

Good morning!

Good morning people! How was your night? Hope splendid?.
Its the dawn of a new day and we appreciate you for patronising this
great website! A warm appreciation goes out to each of our visitors,
you inclusive. Looking forward for your comments as we promise to keep you entertained!
Thank you very much!!!

Impossibilities can be Possible....

''Impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools.''
-Bonaparte, Napoleon.
Is this possibleor not? Am I a fool or not? I plead to disagree.
I plead to disagree because every inventions now have been based on
the 10 letter words which by itself still peaches Im possible!!!

The evolution of dance!

I cant help but giggle at the elements of this picture or must I call
it pictures?

In this world, we have many witnesses to the evolution of dance. The
list in my nostalagia thought goes thus:
==> disco
==> gahoo (premier gahoo)
==> galala or garala
==> awilo
==> breakdance (foreign)
==> yahooze
==> alanta
==> jerking (foreign)
==> etighi
==> azonto. And the likes(pardon me for the ones i have ommitted).

Dance has evolved into many types recently. This happened in the late
'90s and is still evolving.
When our nowadays elders used to dance at parties, it was not like
this. They just dance facing each other but alas, from approximately
1990 to date, things have changed drastically from rocking and moving
rythmically to the tune individually to dancing together as a duo.
Most especially, male and female.
That is the evolution of dance. Dance evolved, and is still evolving.

Rihana and mum.

So cute!! Can you see the sparkling resemblance? This is Rihana posing
with her mum, Monica Fenty in this lovely picture.
Wait a bit, did you know the musician's mother's name in the
retrospect? I guess no!


Do you know the meaning of Adidas? No, I guess.
It means: All Day I Dream About Sports!! See??

Preparing for the bride.

When the bride is coming, everything must be set. This should be what
is on this little bride's mind as she gets the car ready for the just
weded couple.

Personally, before and after.

The song by the duo - P-Square is surely something to write home about
because of its credits. To the musicians, it is a dream come true
because they have for a long time been trying to step in the late King
of Pop, Micheal Jackson's shoes and styles.
It is not far fetched as the pictures above shows 'Personally', from
grass to grace. P-Square are really going places!


This is the position most girls put their lips into when attempting to
take pictures nowadays. Who started it?
And... Check what happened to the girl in the other picture. Haha,
the aftereffects of pouting, I think.

The future is near!

We need to be futuristic in all our actions because of the future. The
future is near, the future of technology, the future of science.
''One day, aircrafts will run on water, cars will drive themselves
absolutely, robots will farm, cook, and do the chores! What will
humans be doing by that time? I guess sleeping!!!''

Can you see the frog in this image?

Illusion pictures are many, and this is one of the best. Take a good
look at this picture, what did you see? A frog, or a horse?
If you see a horse, try again, but if you see a frog, you tried!

One man's food...

One man's food is another man's poison. Some people's enjoyment is
another people's stress but this is a cause of NATURE!!!
Both pictures stipulates innovation and adaptation. The first jus like
a bicycle race in which racers have to carry up their bikes when on
unfavourable terrain; and the latter of two lovers enjoying themselves
as if they are on a beach!
Nature sometimes can be hillarious!

Sumptious meal!

Gross huh? Yes, that was how I felt about the picture even my first
time of seeing it!
Edible rodents are food for some, that made the disher dish it out in
a grand style - whole!!!
Who is hungry, cos the food is ready?

Rules from a father you have to comply with before marrying his daughter.

We are all humans, and thus, we are imperfect. This imperfection also
manifests in the areas of keeping rules. Rules like these are no
doubts easy and hard to abide by!
The man who put up these milestones have to be asked to prove beyond
reasonable doubts that he has successfull carried these rules out
before he can be qualified to give it out to his future son-in-law!

Show me your signature....

What drives at this may be because of the non-frequent use of the
signature and/or security purposes!
Better still, man with complex signature and a low account balance
might do so because he wants to flaunt his artistic talent BUT the
rich doesnt maybe because of the ''empty barrel'' Philosophy.
Show me your signature, and i will tell you how rich you are!!! Is
this true or not?

Weird pictures from the world's most painful festival.

Piercing and incision art popularly known as tatoo has truly come to
stay! People are even ready to go extreme about them. An example is
that of a 'Lizard man' who tatooed himself to resemble a reptile and
even got his tongue splitted!

Apart from the afforementioned, others are going at length to hold
festivals for prople who are ready to make extreme , awry, gory, and
painful incisions and even some are sticking knives, pins, rings, and
other foreign bodies into their body!!!
Is this creativity or magic?